About the Breed
About the Breed
English Springer Spaniels make a wonderful family companion, Hunting Dog and Competitor

The English Springer Spaniel is a loyal companion and home watch dog. They are eager to please, smart and obedient. Affectionate by nature and are typically not a one person dog so a family atmosphere can be great for this breed. They are great with children and other pets but having a bird in the house, well… that might not be the best idea as they are bred to hunt those. A big back yard is ideal as the Springer will want to run off some energy on a regular basis. They are great to take out on hikes or roam the property independently and they return upon being called. They love to swim, so if you have a pool or lake nearby plan on watching your Springer get some additional exercise in the water. Springer’s are excellent Therapy Dogs that are known to have a great sense of humor. Their tails are typically swaying with happiness looking for a new task to perform or game to play. Their speed and ability to jump and fetch make this a fun dog to play Frisbee with or catch a tennis ball or toy mid air.
English Springer Spaniels
are categorized as sporting dogs
They typically weigh between 45 and 55 pounds and have an average lifespan from 9-15 years
English Springer Spaniels
are categorized as sporting dogs
They typically weigh between 45 and 55 pounds and have an average lifespan from 9-15 years

Bred for generations as hunting dogs the English Springer Spaniels action of Springing to Flush out prey is one of the main traits associated with this breed. They are trained to capture prey with soft touch as not to puncture or damage the catch. keen sense of smell, speed, style, working ability and endurance above all Their sense of smell gives them the ability to track well beyond those of other breeds. Match that with speed, agility and endurance and these traits make the English Springer the ideal hunting companion. Training and exercise are key for the hunting or field working dogs as they are bred to have great stamina. The English Springer’s are athletic and their build and weight are ideal to rise to the occasion for opening day.
Elkhorn Kennels have been breeding these champions since 2013.
Elkhorn Kennels have been breeding these champions since 2013.

The main traits that make the Springer stand out among competition dogs is intelligence and trainability. We already mentioned they are eager to please. This falls right in line with trainability. Historically English Springer Spaniels have been sweeping competitions since the 1800’s. They win in Obedience, Fly ball, Tracking and Best Of Breed.
One of the most historically heralded dogs Spaniels are mentioned as far back as 300 A.D. A little over 1700 years ago. Spaniel’s that are similar to todays English Springer can be seen in works of art dating back to the 16th Century. Well before guns were invented The English Springer would be taken out on the hunt to go find birds and flush them out so owner could capture them by net. When fire arms were invented in the 17th century it became apparent that this breed did not fear the “Bang” of the gun, keenly aware it was not meant for them. Once prey had been brought to the ground the Springer would gently retrieve the bird for its owner and bring it back undamaged. This proved to make the Springer a must have for Carnivores in the early days.
In 1902 England’s Kennel Club granted a special place in their Stud Book for The English Springer Spaniel and a separate classification in 1903. Springer’s typically weigh between 45-55 pounds and are 18-22 inches high. In 1906 The English Springer Spaniel had captured the championship at Englands Kennel Club Dog Show,
In the 1940’s field enthusiast started breeding Springer’s that would produce top results in the field and show trainers started to be even more successful within the Dog Show circuit. Whether you are looking for a competition show dog, loving companion or a dog to take on the hunt, today’s English Springer Spaniel is one of the most popular breeds registered with the American Kennel Club.

Why Choose An English Springer Spaniel
This breed generally receives high marks when compared to other breeds. (on a scale of 1 to 5)
- All around friendliness -5
- Family Oriented -5
- Dog friendly – 5
- Aparment living – 5
- Shedding -3
- Tolerate Hot Weather -4
- Tolerate Cold Weather -3
- Friendly toward strangers- 4
- Easy to train – 5
- Intelligence -5
- Prey drive – 5
- Travel -5
- Energy Level – 5
- Excercise – 5
- Playfulness -5
- Size -3
- Potential for weight gain -3
- General Health – 5
- Aparment living – 5
- Shedding -3
Why Choose An English Springer Spaniel
This breed generally receives high marks when compared to other breeds.
(on a scale of 1 to 5)

- All around friendliness -5
- Family Oriented -5
- Dog friendly – 5
- Aparment living – 5
- Shedding -3
- Tolerate Hot Weather -4
- Tolerate Cold Weather -3

- Friendly toward strangers- 4
- Easy to train – 5
- Intelligence -5
- Prey drive – 5
- Travel -5
- Energy Level – 5
- Excercise – 5

- Playfulness -5
- Size -3
- Potential for weight gain -3
- General Health – 5
- Aparment living – 5
- Shedding -3